Friday 13 January 2017

Find A Little Bit Of Glitter In Everyday

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light" 

Sometimes, in our everyday lives, we go day to day without thinking about what was the best part of our day (the glitter) and we only focus on the negatives. This year I've decided to try focus on all the tiny moments that go right instead of the one aspect that brings negativity to my day. If there's clouds over your day look for the moment when there's that ray of sunshine coming through the clouds. The glitter could be the simplest things like your eyeliner looking perfect, having a delicious hot chocolate, getting a good grade at school or laughing with friends over the silliest things. 
(I didn't take this picture, taken from Pinterest)

Today, my glitter is understanding part of Alevel Psychology (brain neurochemistry) which I really struggled with as I don't do science! What's yours?

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